Top 5 Energy-Boosting Suggestions for Avoiding the Midday Crash

It’s 2 p.m. and you start to yawn. The midday crash has arrived and your will to do anything has left. The daily occurrence of afternoons fatigue is real and can be a roadblock for those who want their afternoons to be as productive as their mornings. Yawn.

If this scenario sounds all too familiar, you’re not alone; even the most motivated people can find themselves extremely tired by midday. The good news is there are natural (and simple) ways to help make the midday crash a thing of the past. Get ready for increased energy and less yawning!

Avoid caffeine and munch on these healthy foods when you’re in need of a pick-me-up

Fuel up with food

It’s tempting to grab the first snack you see or order out when lunchtime rolls around, but save those treats for the weekend because they may slow you down. Your daily nutrition plays a big role in energy production and fighting fatigue. Allison Barnes, Ph.D., a nutritionist, exercise physiologist and CEO and founder of R3BILT explains the importance of using food as a midday energy source, especially when it comes to the midday crash. “People often overlook that food is fuel for your body and brain, and if you fuel yourself optimally, you can easily achieve higher energy and productivity through nutrition alone,” she says. Avoiding foods that cause crashes like those high in processed, inflammatory sugars, Barnes recommends keeping your nutrition simple.

“Focus on eating real, whole food while making sure you’re getting enough clean protein, and healthy fats,” she adds.  A great way to accomplish this is to shop the outer perimeter of the grocery store and try to buy organic whenever possible. The cleaner nutrients you feed your body, the more energy and fuel it will have to help fight off the dreaded afternoon slump.

Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast and healthy snacking throughout the day on foods like fruits, nuts, avocados, leans protein, and vegetables will help keep your body and mind sharp.

Vitamin B for more energy 

A popular vitamin for those who want to boost their energy levels, B12 is the most utilized supplement for increased energy. But, to reap the most benefits from the energy-producing vitamin, Barnes recommends supplementing with a B-complex, not just B-12.

“Since all B vitamins are synergistic as well as focus heavily on energy and metabolism processes, taking a B-Complex will give you a welcome boost of energy,” she says. Timing is also important when it comes to B vitamins. “B vitamins are water-soluble, so they can be taken with or without food. But be sure to take your B-complex no later than noon, so you don’t potentially affect your evening sleep,” Barnes adds. Energy is welcome, but the last thing you want is less sleep if you are jonesing for more energy during the day.

Another suggestion: You can also increase foods rich in vitamin B such as dark leafy greens, fish, meat, eggs, beans, and peas

Keep it moving 

When you’re tired, the last thing you probably feel like doing is exercising, but one of the most effective ways to boost energy is to get your blood flowing tis by simply moving. Exercising midday, even a walk outside or around the office, will get your blood pumping and help wake you up. “Getting outdoors for a quick walk after lunch will both aid in digestion and increase blood flow in the body to help increase energy,” says Barnes. Depending on where you work, you may be able to sneak in a 10- to 15-minute bodyweight workout which will boost the feel-good hormones in your brain leading to better midday productivity.

Drink water

This is your daily reminder to fill up your water bottle and get to sippin’. If your body is short on fluids, one of the first things you will experience is fatigue. Water is essential for carrying nutrients to the cells of the body and taking away waste products. Limiting your caffeine while increasing your water intake may also help you fight off afternoon fatigue, “An easy way to do this it to drink  one large glass of water before and after each small coffee; this will help your body stay hydrated and encourage a more consistent energy level,” Barnes says.

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake for men is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women. If you’re active you will need more!

Protect your eyes 

If your eyes are fatigued, it will only add to the midday slump. “Digital screens are a large part of all of our lives, (whether you work at a computer or not) and the blue light they emit can cause visual fatigue and make your eyes feel lousy,” says Dr. Mile Brujic O.D., FAAO.

The good news is, there is a remedy for fighting off the negative effects that blue lights have on your eyes that reach beyond blue-blocking glasses and into your body. Studies show that by simply increasing the dietary vitamins lutein and zeaxanthin in your diet can protect your eyes from the negative side effects of blue lights.

Although they may be hard to pronounce, they are easily found in dark green vegetables like spinach or spices like paprika. Unfortunately, the necessary amount of these vitamins can be difficult to get through food. Dr. Brujic recommends a supplement to all those suffering from eye fatigue called, EyePromise Screen Shield Pro. Their patented amount of dietary zeaxanthin in this product will help boost eye health and fight eye fatigue making it easier to breeze through the rest of your afternoon of work!